What are the things you should keep away from toddler

Having a child is the best thing happened to any mother. We love to live each and every moment of our child. We love to see them laughing,turning, sitting, crawling, standing, walking etc, this little phase of their lifes make us to create our best memories but our responsibilites increases with their growth. When our child starts crawling then we cant even take our eye from them for a single moment. If we live them alone it make be possible that they can hurt themselves. So we should keep some things away from their reach, so that they wont hurt themselves.

These are some items which you should keep out of reach of your child:
  • Hot stuffs should be kept out of reach from them, so that they wont burn themselves.
  • Small or tiny objects should be kept away from them otherwise they may put them in their mouth.
  • Sharp edge furniture should turned to round edge because it may hurt them or hurt their eyes.
  • Medicines should be kept away from their reach, they may eat the medicine and it will be harmful to them.
  • Glass materials like glass vase, glass, cups, syrups bottles or any decorative items made of glass, should be kept away from child.
  • Electronics item should be kept away from child, they will damage them.
  • Slippers should be keep away from child. Some toddlers have the tendency to put everything in mouth, so keep slippers away from child.
  • If possible mop your house 2 to 3 times a day to avoid dust, because dust may stick to your child hands and they may put their hands in mouth which causes disease.
  • Any important documents should kept away from tiddlers because they didnt have knowledge about that papers and may torn them.
  • Many time in hurry, we just take out our mobile from charger without putting the switch off. Always put the mobile charger switch off after taking out your mobile, because if the charger wire come in hand of your child, they may put them in mouth and get electric current.
These are the some important things you should keep out of reach of your child, but then also your responsibilities donot decrease, still you have to look every moment to your growing toddler. Enjoy your motherhood, this time wont come again...


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