What is the necessity of grandparents in child life

                              Importance of grandparents
Grandparents are child's best friends, masti partner and a great teacher to our child. Grandparents are very important in a child's life. We always say that a child birth is rebirth of a mother, but child birth is also same important for their grandparents because it gives them opportunity to live their own childs childhood again, in their grandsons or grand-daughter.

Grandparents tells stories to child, stories which they enjoy from them. They give undivided attention to their grandsons or grand- daughters. Sometimes, we parents were busy in our daily routine, our work but grandparents are the one who give their full time to kids, they spend their time with them to teach them our principles, religions, our cultural heritage, our family histories. They help our children to learn who they are and where they come from.

          Grandparents have broader perspective in looking things than us. Grandparents helps children to understand somethings that we parents are unable to speak to them.

 Due to further studies or jobs of parents, some childrens stay away from their grandparents, but then also we should maintain strong relationship between our children and their grandparents. Now internet is so advanced, we can talk to them regularly, video calling, chatting helps us to connect with them. 

My own child is soo much attached to his grandparents. He loved his grandparents alot and its said that love cant be one sided. His grandfather miss him alot when he is not at home for few days. Children's heart is soo soft they are easily atached where they get love, attention, care, importance and shaarav(my son) too get these all things from their grandparents. My son also becomes naughty sometimes, when he dont want to study he start calling his grandmother, when i scold him he run to his grandmother or his grandmother comes and stop me to scold him, when he wants chocolates, ice-creams, cold-drinks he never ask me for that, he just go to his grandmother and ask her to give him and i know your child do the same too. Actually i also do the same in my childhood and i cant miss the days spend with my grandparents, they remain in my memories always with a big smile and little tears. So help your child to live this special moments with their grandparents.
My sons grandparents


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