Why spending time with your spouse is important?

Newly married couples spend lots of time alone with each other but as the time passes they started spending less time because of their responsibilities. As they become parents very less time alone is spend by them. This lack of communication increases misunderstanding and many divorce cases.
      Before there were no electronic devices, husband and wife spend lot of time together,but now due to this new electronic devices like television, mobile, ipad, iphone etc people spend their most of time on those devices rather than with each other. When  they go out to restaurant for dinner, they talk less and take pictures of the food they order and spend time in posting them on social media and looking for the likes and comments.
        After having a long day work and hectic schedule, husbands become tired and they just want a nice dinner and want to watch tv or just relax. Wife too because of the household work, children responsibilities got tired and just want to sleep on time, to get up early in morning and start their routine( preparing breakfast for family and kids, making lunch box, getting them ready for school in time). These are the reasons why they are not able to spend time with each other.
We should not make our life boring. We both love each other, wants to spend time with each other, so lets do it- 
If your husband  is tired and donot want to do anything and just watch tv then you also join him, watch a movie together. 
You both atleast have dinner together and talk about the day spend.
Atleast on sunday, husbands can help their wives in their household work so that she can feel your love for her.
When you are with your spouse, be with them. Dont waste this special time in clicking photos for social media and posting on it. Create your own memories, live your moment dont be with them just for instagram stories.
A surprise is what every person like in any age of life, surprise makes them feel important. So take time from your busy routine and plan surprises without any occassion, this will increase bonding between you both.
Taking advice regarding to your work from your husband or wife donot lower your image. This will make your spouse to feel that their advice is also important for you.
 So spend your time with your spouse, because spending time with your spouse make you feel more happy. Spending time with their husband makes wife to forget their whole day stress. They feel more energetic while being with their husband. Start planning and take out time for each other from your routine to get back the spark in your married life. People get old from their mind not from their body, so be young always with each other.


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