Who should change- parents or kids?

Now a days, almost every parents of 8 to 20 year old child had the issue that their kids are not listening to them, they are not behaving properly, they are ignoring them, they are becoming so much irritated, they dont want to spend time with them, they are not as before. So where's the problem? They are going to physical, mental and harmonal change in their life, so we should support them. It is hard i know but the thing is that " we should change our nature not them". By changing our nature we will see a sudden change in their nature also. We shout in every little mistakes they make, we punish them for little to big things, we demand 1st position from them, we just think by ourselves that they should lead in every aspects either in study, games, interviews, jobs, we compare them with every single person who has done something good. WHY............? that's the reason, we should change. If you will shout on them in every little mistakes, they will be frighten to tell...