What is the importance of story telling to kids

                                                             Story time

Stories, a tale or narration of either true or imagined event. Every child wants to listen to stories, me too want it when i was a child and i know, you all too wants to listen to stories at that time of age, that stories are now converted in the form of novel to us.
  Children too are the superb story teller, they have their own stories created by their little mind, sit and ask them someday to tell you stories, you will be surprised hearing them, its my own experience, my child too narrates any story created by his little mind in a very beautiful way, i really love to listen to his stories.
       My child love to listen to stories both at the afternoon and night in the time of sleeping and i too love to narrate him because it gives us our mom and son alone time and i have shown in my previous blog how our alone time with kids is helpful for them, the link for that blog is given below:


So, stories gives us our alone time and stories also help child to learn new things.

Narrate stories in impressive way- we should tell stories in such a way so that our child think that it is in real life, dont be a boring story teller, if u will not be impressive than child will not be able to generate interest in that story and they get bored easily. 

Have patience- make your child to choose their own story book, dont force them to listen to the stories you want to tell. Be calm and patience if your child stick to the same story book or the same story, it just shows they are building their interest which is good.

Stories help them in reading and vocabulary-if your child is at the age in which he/ she can read and your child wants to read a page or two then be polite and let them read, it will take time but this will help your childs reading habbit and telling stories also help to increase their vocabulary by listening to any new words. Bed time stories are not compulsary, you can tell stories at any time.

Moral of the stories- if possible, buy a story book that have morals so that your child are able to learn good things from that story. Stories also help us to teach our chikdren what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong, what we should do and what we should avoid.

Give your 100%- be fully devotive to your child when you are with them or while telling them stories, avoid using mobile phones because if you cant built your interest or show dullness, your child will not be able to show interest in that story and that story telling will be worthless.

You can create your own stories with the help of their soft toys, vehicle toys or any of their favourite toys and also ask them to help you complete the story created , by giving their little suggestions and yaa appreciate their suggestions to build their confidence.

So whats your planning for today, go and enjoy your story time and let me know which story you are going to tell your child today.


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