How the relationship change after having a child.

                  Relationship before and after having a child
Having a child is such a great feeling, like a rebirth for every mothers. But its not that simple, our life cant be same as before, our relationship with our spouse dont remain the same. Before having a child our love, our attention is just for our husband, but after having a baby that love, that attention, that care divided between two of them, or can say we give attention to our child more because they need it more.

Communication becomes less or demanding: 

With the birth of our child, our responsibilites increases, we got tired by the household work and by looking our child and their needs whole day. Because of this the communication between us and our husband becomes less, or we just talk if we need help regarding to your child.
We should fulfill this communication gap to increase our bond, by asking any of the family members to watch over baby, or by spending time when the baby fallasleep atleast for 10 minutes, having dinner together, these little things are also helful. Little communication is better than nil.

Postpartum depression:

There are many ,we can say side effect after giving birth to a baby, we called it postpartum depression. We have many hormonal change, mood swing(sometimes we feel happy, blessed, excited other time we feel lonely, sad, depressed), sleepless night, tiredness, worry to handle new responsibilties, learning how and when to feed our child, these all things leads us in depression.

But seeing our child's lovely smile, helps us to forgot all our depression and tiredness.

Lack of us time:

Before having a baby, we spend our time in our own ways, we get our alone time for our hobbies, watching our favourite movies with husband, chatting with friends, going for movies anytime we want, take rest when we like to. But after having baby we cant get our alone time, our whole time is for our baby, we have to adjust ourselves according to their routine. Cleaning 12- 20 dirty diapers really not able to get you in mood.

Change in our nature:

Spontaneous change in our nature comes after delivery. We are not the same as before delivery. Due to harmonal change, our nature also changes, we get irritated fast, we lose our patience, we started shouting even at silly things, get angry very fast.
Hitting your partner with pillow in the middle of the night is not the solution, we should take care of each other and divide our responsibilities so that mother also get some rest and think that she is not alone.

Both have different parenting views: 

All of us have their own views in each and every topic, similarly parents too have differnt views on parenting, this difference in their views lead to arguments between them.
But we have to understand that we both wants best for their child, we cant do anything wrong for our child. We should sometimes agree on disagree.

       Theses all are the new phase of life, child completes our family and with little adjustment we are able to get back in our life and can make our bond even more stronger with our spouse after having a child. Later you will feel that your life was imcomplete before having your child in your life. Its a great feeling, afterall you are parents now.

You can also share with me, your life change after having a child.


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