Motherhood (24/7 work)

Motherhood, a job of 24 hours 7 days without any single break. We mothers understand how tough is are of 6 to 8 hours but a job of a mother is of full 24 hours, at night also we wake up thinking is our kids sleeping properly or not. mothers are not able to grasp a single minute for themselves, If we do anything for ourselves we feel guity of not giving time to our child or ignoring them... but why so guys, we also have the right to live, right to feel fresh, and that freshness makes us to do our work with more engery. Mothers also need break.
               We think that our childrens are only our duty, so we dont ask anyone for help, but dont do that ,if u need help from your family members feel free to ask them either for looking over your kids, playing with them or anything that are possible for them to do. We should spend some time with ourselves either doing our hobbies or just doing nothing, because if we dont do that it leads to depression or stress in us which will not good for us and our family. We can make our kids and our family happy only when we are happy from our heart.
       Start your day by spending time for yourselves, walking, cycling, exercise, meditation or yoga, this makes us fresh and ready for whole day hectic work. Sometimes we forget that we too had friends, start finding their numbers and make a call, by my experience i can say that talking friends also make us energetic. A small get together once in a week can also help.. 
        So i really request all the mothers to spend time with themselves and motivate ownselves to enjoy their hobbies. U can run a healthy family, if u have a healthy mind.


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