Lockdown studies for 3 to 5 year old kids

                        Lockdown studies
As a mother of 4 year old boy, i can understand that all the parents are very tensed related to their child studies during this lockdown... Making small kids  to sit and study is very difficult, they are not having the sitting habbit due to lack of school routine...

       But we can make our kids study and learn new things easily.. we have to do is just make them study in their ways. Dont force your child to study whole day, 1 hour study is more than sufficient for kids of 3 to 5 year age... make their study attractive to them by showing them pictures, flash cards, new books... Attractive books make our kids to show their interest in study.. i m telling this with my own experience, my own kids love attractive books and when he don't feel like studying i give him his worksheet book which he find very attractive and he loves to do that.. 
         Link of Some books which i found very useful for me to teach my kids in a playful way is shown below:


   Some kids are not able to hold pencil properly, holding pencil is right way is also very important because it will decide the handwriting of your kids in future, and if your child donot hold pencil correctly than this will make a ache in their hand in future, the link of pencil gripper is shown below, that gripper helps my niece to learn how to hold the pencil properly. This is the age when you have to look each and every small and single things for your child which help them to brighten their future.


               There are many app which help them to learn while playing. Dont make your child a phone addict but if they are seeing mobile for  few minutes then make them see what is useful for them..
         Dont make study a burden to your kids  if they are not interested to do work, give them break, play with them, make them learn through playing, kids like to colour, buy them colouring books or u can make a drawing for them to colour.. tell them that study means not only to learn, study is fun.
         This is the growing age of your kids and their brain too, so teach them new things by developing interest in them... if they dont get interest they wont be able to do it by heart and that make them to forget that things in 1 or 2 year, so moms this is the time for you to be creative for your children, and the above details really help me alot in the journey of learning for my kids.


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