Best gift to your child is his sibbling

                                   Second child feels good
Having our first child is the best experience we have, because that is the first time we become a mother, that all experience was new to us. But having a second child is fun! First time everything was new to us, but on 2nd time we know all about pregnancy, delivery, birth. 2nd time no one will give us any advice because they know we already grew up a child.
 Second baby is the best gift we can give to our child. We will not be there with our child for soooo long, but our childs will be there with each other in every good and bad time. You will love ur 1st child by knowing how he loves his little brother/sister, how he take care for the lill one.

On 1st time it was very difficult for you, because you have to change your routine, your lifestyle, you dont know anything about parenting, these all are new to you, you are afraid of doing things properly , but on 2nd time we were used to all these things, that will be not new to us. That sleepless night, changing napies, harmonal change are familiar to us, we know how to deal with them and we know that they are for short duration. 1st time you are alone to look over your child but on 2nd time your first child is there to help you with little things.

Having 2nd is cheaper than 1st because now its the time to again use the straller, swing, jumper, bed you brought for your 1st baby. First time you were tensed, because each and everything, every feeling was new to you but on 2nd baby you enjoy each and every moment without any worries. Your babies will fight with each other, irritate each other, tease each other but if any outsider will do anything to anyone of them then 2nd will not bear it, they will stand for each other and thats the best part of having 2 of them.

I have many friends, some with sibblings and some that donot have sibblings and i found that those who donot have sibblings found himself alone compared to those who have sibblings. Dont make your child feel alone by seeing others with their sibblings. The important thing is that you should maintain an appropriate age gap between your both child, so that your 1st child should be little bit independent to do his work, then  you will able to look over your second child and they will not be burden to you.


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