What is the importance of having alone time with your kid

                                 Mommy and kids time❤
Is it important to have a alone time with your kids? Yes it is... then the question arises, how it will b possible, how can i manage to do this, what will we do in our alone time, why is this important, so mommy's clear your mind and have a look to the post to get your how, when, why questions.👇

In this busy life of parents, it is very difficult to grasp time for their children, specially working women are unable to spend time with their kids.. but all the mothers should know that spending alone time is very important for them and their kids-
  • Spending time with our kids helps us to understand our kids more, and get attached to them, they are also able to understand us.
  • As we all like to spend some alone time with our best friend, same our kids also wants to spend some time alone with us, the time which is only for them.
  • Spending alone time with our kids, helps us to increase the bond between us.
  • Every child is not equal so know your child hidden talent easily by spending time alone with them.
  • Some kids are very shy and quiet, they are not able to get free in front of crowd, so show them that you are with them to hear their thoughts, and help them to overcome their shyness. 
  • Sometimes, when we encourage our 1 child then our other child also do something and say mumma i also do that, because all the kids wants attention, same as we all want it. So with mom and me time you can tell them you are giving attention to them by giving your time to them.
  • It communicates directly to your child that you value their needs and desires.

Spending alone time is very useful for your kids but mother with more than 1 child finds it very difficult, but mothers know what is best for their kids, and they can do anything for their benefit...so mothers this is not too tough you all need is just some plannings, you just have to plan your whole day work to do withh 1 of your kid...
  • Take help of your any child to cook his favorite food.
  • Make your kid to help you in any household work.
  • Do some fun activity with your kid.
  • Read books together.
  • Play their favourite game with them.
  • Take your child for walk near neighbourhood.

Just by few plannings you will be able to spend your time with your kids and get the opportunity to understand them closely. 
So enjoy your one-to-one time.


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